Friday, December 9, 2011

The Blink Blink Day @ Week 6

Yes, this is the long awaited day - the blink blink day!

Waited for my turn at KKH. I was so late for appointment due to the rain - about half an hour.

When it was finally my turn to go in, I was quite nervous. Actually not very nervous because I already knew the result! Mdm Tan told me already! But still  somehow kan chiong nevertheless.

Doc Loh uses the abdominal scan and says "Hmm, too small can't see clearly. We do the other scan ok?"

Me : Will it harm the baby?

Doc : No, usually nothing except some people may have some spotting or slight bleeding.

Me : Ok. ( I know that little blink blink is there just like what Mdm Tan says! Sure it's there! I just want Doc to confirm only!)

Doc : Husband can come in to see. Yes, see see - got a blinking heartbeat. Congrats! Baby is doing well. The length from the crown to the rump is 5.7mm. This is the sac and here is the heartbeat and the fetal pole. Good.


All is within Mdm Tan's expectations! We are both so happy and relieved. Another hurdle has been cleared!

Left the clinic with a little print out of my little one!

During this journey, the wait for the heart beat is the most scary wait.... the next one is the 2 week wait for HPT! Luckily, I have Mdm Tan to give me advanced update!!! I don't think I can survive the wait myself. So thankful to Mdm Tan once again.