Thank you to Mdm Tan for her help!
I just received her message early in the morning saying that my 2 snow babies are okie, and my ET process will be very fast, just 5 min, not like my previous experience of 20 min.
Yes, I will have 2 for ET!!! Yippeeeee!!!
My wish is to have 2 for transfer, so as to increase my chances of conceiving! Heee Heee.....
Now at KKH still waiting for my turn to be called into the operation room.
Such a long wait.............. its scheduled at 9 am and its now almost 11 am. Saw my Dr Loh walking in and out of the operating room. Is he going to see patients again or is he going for delivery?
I shall be patient.... but my hubby is complaining already........Aiyooo......